CompSci 269S, Fall 2022: Theory Seminar
The Theory Group normally meets Fridays at 1:00pm. This quarter we
in Bren
Hall 1427. Below is this quarter's schedule.
- September 23
- Organizational meeting
- September 30
- Ryuto Jonathan Kitagawa
- Parallel Peeling Algorithms
- Fivos Kalogiannis
- Algorithms and Complexity for Computing Nash Equilibria in Adversarial Team Games
- October 7
- Nikolas Patris
- Perfect Matchings in O(n log n) time in Regular Bipartite Graphs
- Stelios Stavroulakis
- On Scrambling Phenomena for Randomly Initialized Recurrent Networks
- October 14
- Thorben Trobst
- Almost Tight Bounds for Online Hypergraph Matching
- Shion Fukuzawa
- An Introduction to Quantum Computing Through Amplitude Estimation
- October 21
- Hadi Khodabandeh
- Distributed Construction of Lightweight Spanners for Unit Ball Graphs
- Evrim Ozel
- Modeling the Small-World Phenomenon with Road Networks
- October 28
- Rohith Gangam
- Concerning the maximum number of stable matchings in the stable marriage problem
- Ofek Gila
- Analyzing Kleinberg’s (and other) Small-world Models
- November 4
- Fatih Erdem Kizilkaya
- Plurality Veto: A Simple Voting Rule Achieving Optimal Metric Distortion
- November 11
- No talk, Veteran's day
- November 18
- Nitya Raju
- The Structure of Stable Matching Lattices
- Parnian Shahkar
- Credible Mechanisms
- December 2
- Alvin Chiu
- Origami
- Hari Kishore Chaparala
- ALGORAND Public Ledger
See also the ACO
seminar (Thursdays 4-5).
quarters' theory seminars