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A group of UCI students launched the ZotMeal app on the iOS App Store on Jan. 3. The app is designed to provide easy access to Brandywine and the Anteatery’s dining menus, display nutritional information, shorten lines and provide one-tap navigation to the dining halls.

Second year computer science major Shengyuan Lu was the iOS Tech Lead; first year computer science major Eric Pedley was the Backend Tech Lead; second year computer science and engineering major Brian Vo was the Backend Software Development Engineer; second year computer science major Justin Yue was the Android Tech Lead; second year computer science and engineering major Tony Liu was the Android Software Development Engineer.

During the HackUCI 2021 hackathon, which is a limited time software development competition, the UCI students created a prototype for the app. This prototype received 220 upvotes on Reddit, leading the group to think it could meet a need on campus.

Lu spoke with the New University about the creation of the ZotMeal app.

Read the full story on New University.

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