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Mohsen Imani

The University of California, Irvine celebrates Dr. Mohsen Imani for receiving the prestigious Office of Naval Research (ONR) Young Investigator Program (YIP) award. This recognition, following his accolades from DARPA and SRC, cements his standing as a pioneer in the realm of intelligent sensing and information processing. As an assistant professor of computer science in the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences (ICS), Imani spearheads research on hyperdimensional computing as a neuro-symbolic AI technique.

At the helm of the Bio-Inspired Architecture and Systems Lab (BIASLab), Imani guides a dedicated team of 35, including 17 Ph.D. students. Their cutting-edge research intersects neuroscience, machine learning and embedded systems, focusing on emulating the intricate efficiency of biological systems in sensor technology. His groundbreaking project, “A Bio-inspired Hyperdimensional Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing,” aims to innovate sensor technology by integrating hyperdimensional computing principles, which mimic the vast, interconnected networks and attention found in the human brain. This approach facilitates a more nuanced and dynamic interpretation of sensory data, closely resembling the cognitive processing in biological systems.

The project also explores advanced algorithms for edge computing, where data processing is done at or near the source of data acquisition, thus reducing latency and reliance on centralized data centers. This paradigm shift in data processing, inspired by the decentralized processing observed in biological organisms, holds the potential to drastically enhance the efficiency and responsiveness of sensor systems.

The ONR YIP award, recognizing researchers of outstanding promise, supports Imani with $750,000 over three years. This distinction, awarded to only a select few, underscores the transformative potential of Imani’s research in advancing sensor technologies and intelligent systems.

The far-reaching implications of Imani’s research stand to revolutionize sensor technology, making it more autonomous, efficient and closely integrated with the principles of biological intelligence.

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