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ICS Tutoring Center

Are you struggling in some of your courses in UC Irvine’s Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences (ICS)? Visit the ICS Tutoring Center! Located in ICS 2, room 110, fellow ICS students are available on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 12 to 5 p.m. and on Friday from 12 to 7 p.m. to help you with your coursework. (See the expanded hours for Spring quarter below.)

In particular, tutoring is available for the following courses:

  • ICS 6B: Boolean Logic & Logic
  • ICS 6D: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
  • ICS 31: Introduction to Programming
  • ICS 32: Programming with Software Libraries
  • ICS 32A: Python Programming and Libraries (Accelerated)
  • ICS 33: Intermediate Programming
  • ICS 45C: Programming in C/C++ as a Second Language
  • ICS 45J: Programming in Java as a Second Language

No appointment is necessary — just stop by and start learning!

“Highly skilled learning assistants who have a passion for supporting fellow students are here to help ICS undergraduates in the ICS Tutoring Center,” says Computer Science Professor Shannon Alfaro, who is leading the effort. “The center is being piloted for a year, with the Dean’s office considering extending funding for another year based on center utilization.”

“The Tutoring Center is a tool that students can use alongside other class resources, such as class office hours,” says Nicholas Georggin, a third-year computer science major who serves as a tutor. Amy Huang, another computer science major and tutor, says this is exactly the kind of tutoring she wishes had been available when she was taking her lower-division classes. “It’s free, and the tutors have experience taking the same classes!”’

Rebecca Ahn enjoys establishing a good rapport with the students she tutors. “Not only can students get help for longer periods of time,” says the computer science major, “ but they can also converse with the same tutor about different classes.”

For the Spring quarter, the center will be open Monday through Friday from 12 to 5 p.m., and tutoring support will expand to include ICS 46, ICS 51, and ICS 53.

Shani Murray

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