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An AI app claims it can detect sexually transmitted infections. Doctors say it’s a disaster (LA Times)

“Powered by patented HeHealth wizardry (think an AI so sharp you’d think it aced its SATs), our AI’s been battle-tested by over 40,000 users,” Calmara’s website reads, before noting that its accuracy ranges from 65% to 96%. “It’s great that they disclose that, but 65% is terrible,” said Dr. Sean Young, a UCI professor of emergency medicine, professor of informatics, and executive director of the University of California Institute for Prediction Technology. “From a public health perspective, if you’re giving people 65% accuracy, why even tell anyone anything? That’s potentially more harmful than beneficial.” … Young raised concerns that some people might use the app to make immediate decisions about their sexual health.

Read the full story in the Los Angeles Times.

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