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Majors & Minors

An ICS undergraduate education is a blend of scholarship, science, technology and practical application that forms an excellent foundation for a professional career or to pursue a graduate degree.

The basis of the undergraduate programs are a set of fundamental courses in mathematics and computer science, supplemented by general education courses from other academic disciplines. A premium is placed on both communication and quantitative skills. Students quickly gain hands-on experience with advanced computing systems, and intense use of computer and network technologies continues throughout the undergraduate program. Students study data organization, algorithm design and analysis, design and organization of hardware and network systems, software engineering, artificial intelligence, social aspects of system design and use, and management of technology. In the process, students work with state-of-the-art hardware and software technologies, and learn several contemporary programming languages.


Business Information Management

As the business environment becomes increasingly global and information-centric, the need has increased for graduates who understand and can use technology that gathers and provides information, who are able to distill and recognize patterns in that information, and who can apply those analyses to achieve business objectives.

The undergraduate Business Information Management major administered by the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences is a collaborative, interdisciplinary degree program between the Bren School and The Paul Merage School of Business. The program seeks to educate students to understand and then apply the theories and concepts of a broad, integrated curriculum covering computing, informatics, business fundamentals, and analytical decision-making. The major prepares students for a wide variety of careers and life experiences. Business Information Management majors can pursue careers in the for-profit and not-for-profit sectors or can proceed to graduate school in several disciplines, including information systems, computing, economics, business, and law.

The curriculum is presented across three general academic areas: Computing (computer science, informatics, and software); Business Foundations (accounting, finance, marketing, strategy, and operations); and Analytical Methods (mathematics, statistics, economics, management science, and decision analysis). The fundamentals of information and computer science, including the rudiments of software design and construction with an emphasis on data management, provide the foundation for understanding, describing, and evaluating the technology through which most business information is gathered and presented. The business fundamentals, covering all the functional areas in the Merage School, provide a background and context in which information and its analysis will be applied.

Learn more about the Business Information Management Program »

Computer Science
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Computer Science and Engineering
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Data Science
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Game Design and Interactive Media
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Software Engineering
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