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ICS faculty and students explore computing across a remarkable range of research areas, shedding light to the theoretical foundations of computing models, expanding the frontiers of artificial intelligence and data science, advancing the performance, security, and energy efficiency of computer systems, enabling discovery in science and engineering, experimenting with new modalities for human-machine interaction, and promoting accessible information technologies for equity and social justice. Leveraging a large and diverse network of collaborators on-campus and around the globe, they help reshape domains as far reaching as education, art and entertainment, business and law, health care and medicine, biological systems, and the environment.

Research in Action

UCI Machine Learning Repository

Impacting thousands of ML researchers and students by providing a standard and widely-cited set of 600+ testbed datasets to support both research and education.

View the ML Repository


IoT technologies to aid the elderly during disasters.

Read more about the CareDEX project


Award-winning sensor data management middleware technology for the emerging smart-space applications.

View the TIPPERS website

Research News

Research Events

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