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Rina Dechter

Rina Dechter’s research centers on computational aspects of automated reasoning and knowledge representation including search, constraint processing and probabilistic reasoning. The primary aim of her research is to devise efficient methods through the understanding and exploitation of tractable reasoning tasks.

Dechter is an author of Constraint Processing published by Morgan Kaufmann, 2003, and Reasoning with Probabilistic and Deterministic Graphical Models: Exact Algorithms by Morgan and Claypool publishers, 2013, has authored over 150 research papers, and has served on the editorial boards of: Artificial Intelligence, the Constraint Journal, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research and journal of Machine Learning (JMLR). She was awarded the Presidential Young investigator award in 1991, is a fellow of the American association of Artificial Intelligence since 1994, was a Radcliffe Fellowship 2005-2006, received the 2007 Association of Constraint Programming (ACP) research excellence award and is a 2013 Fellow of the ACM. She has been Co-Editor-in-Chief of Artificial Intelligence, since 2011.


Ph.D., Computer Science, UCLA
M.S., Applied Mathematics, Weizmann Institute
B.S., Mathematics and Statistics, Hebrew University in Jerusalem

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