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Professor Jarecki joined UCI as an assistant professor in the School of Information and Computer Sciences in July 2003. In June 2001, he graduated from the MIT Computer Science Ph.D. program, where he studied cryptography under the guidance of Prof. Shafi Goldwasser. Between MIT and UCI, Jarecki first worked at Intertrust’s StarLab, a small research lab in the Silicon Valley company that was developing Digital Rights Management systems, and then he spent a year as a postdoc at the applied cryptography group led by prof. Dan Boneh at Stanford.

Jarecki’s primary research interest is in applied and distributed cryptography. Specifically, he has made significant contributions to threshold and proactive security and also to digital privacy. Given the current state of the Internet with massively distributed systems of networked computers, all computing is overwhelmingly vulnerable.


Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2001

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