This course will cover advanced topics in operating systems.
The course will mostly consist of lectures by the instructor, but it will also have some presentations by the students.
Paper presentation: 20%
Paper summaries: 20%
Course project: 40%
Class participation: 20%
Paper presentations
Each presentation is performed by a student or a team of students (2 to 3).
Sign up for a presentation slot by sending me an email.
Your email should contain the name of all the team members and your top three preferred presentation dates (presentations take place on Wednesdays)
Each presentation will be 30 minutes followed by 10 minutes of Q&A.
All the team members must engage in the presentation (ideally equally).
Presentation will be graded based on quality of presentation and the students' understanding of the paper content.
Paper summaries
Submit the summaries before the class starts.
Submissions will be through Canvas.
This year, the projects will be in the form of a topic survey.
The topic should be a new and emerging one; it can be related to your research.
You will need to study several nominal papers on the topic and write a survey.
If you do not have an idea for the topc, work with the instructor to choose one.
Each survey can be performed individually or by a team of students (2 to 3).